
"euroorden" in English

"euroorden" in English

Context examples for "euroorden" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y tendríamos que analizar la posibilidad de perseguirlos mediante una euroorden.
We should also consider the possibility of pursuing them using a European arrest warrant.
Por último, quiero señalar algo respecto de la euroorden.
I would like to make one final point about the European Arrest Warrant.
Se ha hablado de la euroorden para criticarla.
The European Arrest Warrant has been brought up only to criticise it.
Yo confirmo lo que ya he declarado en las anteriores votaciones sobre la euroorden y sobre la lucha contra el terrorismo.
I want to reiterate what I have said when we have voted on the European arrest warrant and combating terrorism in the past.
En particular, la euroorden, que tiene un alcance mucho más amplio que el simple terrorismo, constituye un incentivo a favor de duras penas de detención.
In particular, the European arrest warrant, whose scope is much wider than just terrorism, is an incentive to introduce heavy prison sentences.
Creo, en cambio, que es muy importante el acuerdo alcanzado sobre el reconocimiento mutuo de decisiones judiciales, la llamada euroorden.
On the other hand, I think that the agreement reached on the mutual recognition of judicial decisions, the so-called European arrest warrant, is very important.
Quiero decir que la euroorden es un ejemplo fundamental de la Unión Europea y de la colaboración contra el crimen organizado en la Unión Europea.
I wish to say that the European Arrest Warrant is a fundamental example of European Union and of cooperation against organised crime in the European Union.
Volviendo al debate, por fin el Parlamento Europeo expresará su voto sobre dos cuestiones fundamentales: la lucha contra el terrorismo y la euroorden.
To get back to the debate, the European Parliament is, at last, going to vote on two fundamental issues: combating terrorism and the European arrest warrant.
Berlusconi el que ha llevado a la primera página de los periódicos el debate sobre la euroorden.
Paradoxically, it was also the spectacle made by Mr Berlusconi's government that brought the debate on the European arrest warrant onto the front page of the papers.
Berlusconi el que ha llevado a la primera página de los periódicos el debate sobre la euroorden.
Paradoxically, it was also the spectacle made by Mr Berlusconi' s government that brought the debate on the European arrest warrant onto the front page of the papers.
En cuanto a la euroorden, me urge recordar que el gobierno italiano se ha afanado en supeditar la aplicación de esta decisión marco a la modificación previa de la Constitución.
With regard to the arrest warrant, I must point out that the Italian Government has endeavoured to ensure that this framework decision cannot be enforced until the Constitution has been amended.