
"esotericism" in Spanish

"esotericism" in Spanish
esotérico{adj. m}
Accounting is a technical and perhaps even esoteric issue.
La contabilidad es un asunto técnico y quizá hasta esotérico.
Therefore, my contribution may seem somewhat esoteric in the context of what I have been hearing this afternoon.
Por lo tanto, mi contribución parecerá quizás un poco esotérica en el contexto de lo que he estado oyendo esta tarde.
That return is not just about esoteric ideals, but about creating real solutions to the problems that people face in their lives.
Esos frutos no son tan solo ideales esotéricos, sino que crean soluciones reales para los problemas a los que se enfrenta la gente en su vida.
esotérica{adj. f}
Therefore, my contribution may seem somewhat esoteric in the context of what I have been hearing this afternoon.
Por lo tanto, mi contribución parecerá quizás un poco esotérica en el contexto de lo que he estado oyendo esta tarde.
The important reports are discussed in this House shortly before midnight, and the esoteric drivel in the form of resolutions is discussed during the day at prime transmission time.
Los informes importantes se debaten en esta Cámara poco antes de medianoche y la basura esotérica en forma de resoluciones se debate durante el día en hora de máxima audiencia.