
"escalable" in English

"escalable" in English
escalable{adjective masculine/feminine}
escalable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Consola de audio digital de gran formato, escalable y de alto rendimiento
High-performance, scalable, large-format digital audio console for broadcast
Sibelius7 soporta de forma nativa gráficos vectoriales escalables (SVG).
Sibelius 7 natively supports Scalable Vector Graphics.
Las soluciones son completamente escalables y le permiten aprovecharse de las últimas tecnologías y prestaciones.
The solutions are fully scalable and allow you to take advantage of the latest technologies and features.

Context examples for "escalable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Escalable Actualizable a un sistema FastBreak 2000 o FastBreak 8000, FastBreak 800 preserva tu inversión en hardware.
Scale upUpgradeable to a FastBreak 2000 or FastBreak 8000 system, FastBreak 800 preserves your hardware investment.
La codificación Avid DNxHD es una solución escalable que permitirá a Avid añadir tantos formatos, resoluciones y tasas de datos como requiera el mercado.
Avid DNxHD encoding is a scaleable solution that will allow Avid to add different formats, resolutions, and data rates as required by the marketplace.