
"endemia" in English

"endemia" in English

Context examples for "endemia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la endemia de corrupción que afecta a estos regímenes
the endemic corruption in these regimes
Un estudio reciente realizado por dos universidades belgas ha revelado el elevado riesgo de endemia generado por la enfermedad de la lengua azul en Europa Septentrional.
A recent study by two Belgian universities demonstrates the high risk of the bluetongue disease becoming endemic in northern Europe.
Esta endemia no es solamente una catástrofe humanitaria y sanitaria: amenaza también la cohesión social y económica y el equilibrio demográfico de los países de África.
This endemic is not just a catastrophe in humanitarian and health terms, it is also a threat to social and economic cohesion and to the demographic balance of the countries of Africa.