
"embrutecimiento" in English

"embrutecimiento" in English

Context examples for "embrutecimiento" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por el contrario, conduce a un embrutecimiento de la sociedad.
But it does lead to a brutalising of society.
Condenamos el embrutecimiento del que somos testigos y que nos trae a la memoria recuerdos desagradables del pasado.
We condemn the brutalisation which we are seeing and which offers unpleasant reminders of the past.
Cristo ha vencido el mal que incita al hombre al embrutecimiento, al pecado que atenaza el corazón en el egoísmo y al temor de la muerte que lo amenaza.
He has conquered the evil which constrains men to darkness, the sin which closes their hearts in selfishness, the fear of death which threatens them.
Las acciones en contra del embrutecimiento que se plasma en el racismo y la xenofobia no deben convertirse en sanciones penales, en las que está basada la propuesta.
Actions to combat the callousness that finds expression in racism and xenophobia should not be translated into sanctions under criminal law such as the proposal is based upon.