
"electrical industry" in Spanish

"electrical industry" in English

Context examples for "electrical industry" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The problem is that the hydro-electrical industry as a whole is not taken into account when it comes to subsidies, which are another issue.
Lo que ocurre es que la gran hidroeléctrica no se computa a la hora de las subvenciones, que son temas distintos.
We have passed up a great opportunity here to make the growing electrical and electronics industry a little more environmentally friendly.
Hemos desperdiciado aquí una gran oportunidad para conseguir que la creciente industria eléctrica y electrónica se vuelva un poco más respetuosa con el medio ambiente.
Aside from production, forestry provides employment for a cluster of industries related to it, among which is the very considerable metal and electrical engineering industry.
Aparte de la producción, el bosque da empleo a un grupo de industrias relacionadas con él, entre las que se incluyen los importantes sectores metalúrgico y electrotécnico.
Aside from production, forestry provides employment for a cluster of industries related to it, among which is the very considerable metal and electrical engineering industry.
La UE, sin embargo, no tiene un plan común forestal, aunque numerosos ámbitos de su política, como el desarrollo rural y la política medioambiental, influyen mucho en este sector.