
"duque" in English

"duque" in English
Antes de convertirse en emperador de Alemania, con su trono en Praga, Carlos IV fue Duque de Luxemburgo.
Before he became German emperor, with his seat in Prague, Charles IV was Duke of Luxembourg.
Usted no es John, Duque de Bedford, el señor Balkenende no es el Obispo Cauchon y el señor Chirac no es Juana de Arco.
You are not John, Duke of Bedford, MrBalkenende is not Bishop Cauchon and MrChirac is not Joan of Arc.
desciende directamente del duque
he's a direct descendant of the duke

Context examples for "duque" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En Madrid (Duque de Sesto), Fr.
As usual, in Alcorcón, the General met with all the brothers of the Province, in Madrid (Duque de Sesto).
llegó a ser el brazo derecho del duque
he became the Duke's right-hand man
desciende del duque por línea directa
he's a direct descendant of the duke
Sus Excelencias, el duque y la duquesa
their Graces the Duke and Duchess
desciende directamente del duque
he's a direct descendant of the duke
la excelente enoteca del duque
the Duke's excellent cellar
el tercer duque de Camberwick
the third duke of Camberwick
servía en casa de un duque
she was in service with a duke
el duque de Argyll
the Duke of Argyll
Se calcula por ejemplo que el más rico de ellos, el Duque de Westminster, recibe unas 38 libras esterlinas por hora en concepto de subvenciones agrícolas.
A recent study by the development organisation Oxfam shows that EU agricultural subsidies in Great Britain mainly benefit large landowners.