
"dubitativo" in English

"dubitativo" in English
dubitativo{adjective masculine}
dubitativo{adjective masculine}
El resultado del referéndum irlandés testifica que el éxito de Europa está siendo sacrificado a una dosis excesiva de opinión pública dubitativa.
The result of the Irish referendum testifies that the success of Europe is being sacrificed to an overdose of doubtful public opinion.
Lo que ha sucedido durante el largo debate que hemos mantenido, es que el Parlamento se mostró un poco más dubitativo que la Comisión acerca de la eficacia de este sistema.
What happened during the long debate we have had on this, is that Parliament was a little more doubtful than the Commission about the efficacy of this system.

Context examples for "dubitativo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En este asunto Lalumière se muestra dubitativo en su excelente trabajo.
On this issue, Mrs Lalumière is left quaking in her boots in her otherwise excellent report.
Confieso que la falta de precisión, que voluntariamente ha mantenido sobre la duración de su mandato, me deja dubitativo.
I must confess that I have some doubts about the smoke screen that he has raised with regard to the length of his term of office.
Ferber, me quedo muy dubitativo con este compromiso.
And when, this morning, I see the whole of the European left wing congratulating Mr Ferber, I remain very sceptical about this compromise.
– Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, señora Ministra, hace apenas unos años, cuando se hablaba de cambio climático, algunos sonreían con aire dubitativo.
Mr President, Mr Dimas, Mrs Beckett, only a few years ago, when climate change was being discussed, some people would smile dubiously.
– Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, señora Ministra, hace apenas unos años, cuando se hablaba de cambio climático, algunos sonreían con aire dubitativo.
MrPresident, MrDimas, MrsBeckett, only a few years ago, when climate change was being discussed, some people would smile dubiously.
Me sorprende un tanto que el Grupo del PPE-DE se centre ahora en estas cuestiones específicas, dado que se mostró dubitativo a la hora de apoyar nuestra petición de un marco más general.
I am a bit surprised that the PPE-DE Group is now focusing so much on these specific issues, whereas they were quite hesitant in supporting our appeal for the more general framework.