
"diseccionar" in English

"diseccionar" in English
to dissect{v.t.} (cut up)
Me ponía, sobre todo, en el lugar de los alcaldes de nuestros municipios, que iban a encontrarse con otro texto más que diseccionar.
I was putting myself in the shoes particularly of the mayors of our municipalities, who would find themselves with another text to dissect.
Quiero, asimismo, destacar la labor llevada a cabo por el ponente, Sr. Rapkay, quien ha diseccionado de una forma concisa un texto tan denso y amplio como éste.
I would also like to highlight the work carried out by the rapporteur, Mr Rapkay, who has dissected this dense and comprehensive text in such a concise way.
to dissect{v.t.} (analyze)
Me ponía, sobre todo, en el lugar de los alcaldes de nuestros municipios, que iban a encontrarse con otro texto más que diseccionar.
I was putting myself in the shoes particularly of the mayors of our municipalities, who would find themselves with another text to dissect.
Quiero, asimismo, destacar la labor llevada a cabo por el ponente, Sr. Rapkay, quien ha diseccionado de una forma concisa un texto tan denso y amplio como éste.
I would also like to highlight the work carried out by the rapporteur, Mr Rapkay, who has dissected this dense and comprehensive text in such a concise way.

Context examples for "diseccionar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me ponía, sobre todo, en el lugar de los alcaldes de nuestros municipios, que iban a encontrarse con otro texto más que diseccionar.
I was putting myself in the shoes particularly of the mayors of our municipalities, who would find themselves with another text to dissect.