
"dinamizador" in English

"dinamizador" in English

Context examples for "dinamizador" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por otra parte, entendemos la cultura en un sentido de dinamizador de riqueza.
Furthermore, we believe that culture promotes wealth.
Por lo demás, señor Comisario Fischler, en su lugar yo no hubiese dejado pasar de largo el efecto dinamizador que parte de la cofinanciación.
In addition, Commissioner Fischler, if I had been you I would not have missed out on the dynamic effect of cofinancing.
En ese loable empeño dinamizador deben seguir las comarcas mineras sin obstáculos de la Unión Europea, sino con su aliento.
Mining areas need to continue in this commendable revitalising effort without encountering obstacles from the European Union. Instead, they should have its encouragement.
En el seno de este mercado interior, naturalmente, es el consumo quizás el factor dinamizador más importante que es necesario estimular a corto plazo.
Within this internal market, of course, it is consumption which is perhaps the most important driver that we need to support in the very short term.
Por este motivo es importante que el Parlamento Europeo siga desempeñando un papel dinamizador en este ámbito, por ejemplo mediante informes como el del señor Cappato.
For this reason, it is important that the European Parliament continues to play a galvanising role in this area, for example with reports like the one by Mr Cappato.