
"dietista" in English

"dietista" in English
{no indefinite article}
{no indefinite article}
Las intervenciones se administraron principalmente mediante orientación individual frecuente por un fisioterapeuta, un fisiólogo de ejercicio y un dietista.
Interventions were mainly delivered by frequent individual counselling by a physiotherapist, an exercise physiologist and a dietitian.
Los profesionales de la salud son médicos, enfermeros, farmacéuticos, fisioterapeutas, terapeutas ocupacionales, dietistas, nutricionistas o cualquier persona que atiende pacientes.
Health professionals are doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, nutritionists or anyone else who takes care of patients.
Todo eso está muy bien, pero,¿qué pasa con el consumidor y con el hecho de que los productos pesqueros son bastante sanos y su consumo está recomendado por los dietistas?
That is all very well, but what about the consumer, and what about the fact that fish products are relatively healthy and are recommended by dieticians to consumers?
Los consumidores tenemos derecho a leer con claridad la composición de los alimentos que compramos, sin necesidad de ser químicos capacitados o dietistas clínicos.
We consumers are entitled to a clear overview of the composition of the food that we buy without having to be trained chemists or clinical dieticians.
Todo eso está muy bien, pero, ¿qué pasa con el consumidor y con el hecho de que los productos pesqueros son bastante sanos y su consumo está recomendado por los dietistas?
That is all very well, but what about the consumer, and what about the fact that fish products are relatively healthy and are recommended by dieticians to consumers?

Context examples for "dietista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Las intervenciones se administraron principalmente mediante orientación individual frecuente por un fisioterapeuta, un fisiólogo de ejercicio y un dietista.
Interventions were mainly delivered by frequent individual counselling by a physiotherapist, an exercise physiologist and a dietitian.