
"determinismo" in English

"determinismo" in English
No estamos de acuerdo con el determinismo excluyente para las mujeres que quedan condenadas para el resto de sus vidas.
We do not agree with the exclusive determinism for women, which condemns them for the rest of their lives.
Lamy, Comisario delegado, calificó la construcción europea de "fenómeno sin determinismo histórico, creación humana y frágil".
Moreover, Mr Lamy, the Commissioner-delegate, described the building of Europe as a phenomenon without historical determinism, "a human and fragile endeavour."
Lamy, Comisario delegado, calificó la construcción europea de " fenómeno sin determinismo histórico, creación humana y frágil ".
Moreover, Mr Lamy, the Commissioner-delegate, described the building of Europe as a phenomenon without historical determinism, " a human and fragile endeavour