
"desvestido" in English

"desvestido" in English
desvestir{transitive verb}
undressed{adj.} (naked)
El Parlamento Europeo, Señorías, se ha desvestido solo y ahora descubre atónito que va por las calles totalmente desnudo.
Ladies and gentlemen, the European Parliament has stripped off most of its own clothes and is today discovering dumbly that it is walking the streets quite naked.
Ustedes nos dicen: »solidaridad interprofesional»: se desviste a los productores de cereales para vestir, con muy poco por lo demás, a los productores de bovinos.
You are talking about 'solidarity between professions' - you are stripping the cereal growers to clothe the stock breeders, and pretty miserably at that.
Desvestir electrónicamente a los ciudadanos, con o sin "garantías", es totalmente inaceptable y tiene que condenarse rotunda y decididamente.
Electronically undressing citizens, with or without 'guarantees', is totally unacceptable and it needs to be roundly and decisively condemned straight away.

Context examples for "desvestido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Parlamento Europeo, Señorías, se ha desvestido solo y ahora descubre atónito que va por las calles totalmente desnudo.
Ladies and gentlemen, the European Parliament has stripped off most of its own clothes and is today discovering dumbly that it is walking the streets quite naked.