
"desterrada" in English

"desterrada" in English
desterrada{adjective feminine}
exile{noun} (expelled)

Context examples for "desterrada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se están produciendo violentas operaciones militares y la gente está siendo desterrada, asesinada o violada.
Violent military operations are under way, and people are being displaced, killed and raped.
Se están produciendo violentas operaciones militares y la gente está siendo desterrada, asesinada o violada.
She also pleaded with them not to let a single drop of the people ’ s blood stain the earth.
Hay una buena y vieja historia sobre ese sujeto: au Moyen �ge, la vainilla era desterrada de la cocina de los monasterios porque se pensaba que ten�a efectos afrodis�acos.
Oat products, recognised long ago, are famous antioxidant. ~~~ Derivatives of partially oxidized flavonoids, polyphenols, substantiate this theory.
La figura del prisionero político, señor Presidente, debería desaparecer totalmente de Iberoamérica y también de Cuba, y la violencia contra el disidente ser desterrada.
The idea of the political prisoner, Mr President, must be totally eliminated in Latin America, and in Cuba, and violence against dissidents must be stamped out.