
"desnudez" in English

"desnudez" in English
, ¿la desnudez?, ¿los peligros?, ¿la espada?
Shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword?
me sentí inhibido por su desnudez
I felt inhibited by her nakedness
Pero tan pronto como hubieron probado ambos [el fruto] del árbol, se volvieron conscientes de su desnudez; y comenzaron a cubrirse con hojas del jardín.
And when the twain had tasted of the Tree, their shame was manifested unto them, and they began to sew upon themselves the leaves of the Garden (to hide their shame, nakedness.
consideraban la desnudez como algo natural
they considered nudity as something natural
bareness{noun} (of body, hill, tree)
bareness{noun} (of walls)

Context examples for "desnudez" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Algunas críticas del exterior nos han atacado por no insistir en la "desnudez" del funcionario.
Some external critics have attacked us for not insisting on the naked civil servant.
Algunas críticas del exterior nos han atacado por no insistir en la " desnudez " del funcionario.
Some external critics have attacked us for not insisting on the naked civil servant.
Vemos en su despiadada desnudez la cosecha malvada del comunismo.
What we see fully revealed here is the harvest of the dragon' s teeth sown by communism.
estaba en contra de que se exhibiera tanta desnudez
he objected to the exposure of so much bare flesh
consideraban la desnudez como algo natural
they considered nudity as something natural
Y comieron ambos de él: y entonces se hicieron conscientes de su desnudez y comenzaron a cubrirse con hojas del jardín.
But Satan whispered to him, saying.
me sentí inhibido por su desnudez
I felt inhibited by her nakedness
la verdad en toda su desnudez
the simple, unadorned truth