
"desinformar" in English

"desinformar" in English
desinformar{transitive verb}
desinformar{transitive verb}
En la República Checa, por ejemplo, son meros componentes del mercado y un instrumento evidente de manipulación política que se utiliza para desinformar a la población.
In the Czech Republic, for example, the media are merely components of the market and clearly an instrument of political manipulation used to misinform the public.
Es una buena noticia, porque la confusa marca CE ha servido muchas veces para engañar y desinformar a los consumidores, algo que está muy mal y con lo que tenemos que acabar.
That is good news, for the confusing CE mark has often served to deceive and misinform consumers, and that is quite wrong.

Context examples for "desinformar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
manipulados para "desinformar" y "deformar", propagando una
manipulated for "disinformation" and "deformation" in sowing
Hay muchas historias horrorosas presentadas por la prensa para desinformar a la gente.
Colleagues will be aware that there is also a great deal of concern in Europe at the moment about asylum and immigration.
Desinformar deliberadamente y secuestrar este debate para lograr una mera ventaja partidista no beneficiará a nuestras comunidades más pobres.
This will not serve the best interests of our poorest communities, with deliberate misinformation and hijacking this debate for narrow party political advantage.
En la República Checa, por ejemplo, son meros componentes del mercado y un instrumento evidente de manipulación política que se utiliza para desinformar a la población.
In the Czech Republic, for example, the media are merely components of the market and clearly an instrument of political manipulation used to misinform the public.
Es una buena noticia, porque la confusa marca CE ha servido muchas veces para engañar y desinformar a los consumidores, algo que está muy mal y con lo que tenemos que acabar.
That is good news, for the confusing CE mark has often served to deceive and misinform consumers, and that is quite wrong. We certainly must put a stop to this.