
"deporte espectáculo" in English

"deporte espectáculo" in English

Context examples for "deporte espectáculo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
areópago de la cultura y de la ciencia, del arte y del pensamiento, del espectáculo, del deporte y de la política(8).
science, art, the intellectual life, entertainment, sports and politics.(8)
Se aprendió la lección y, de hecho, el deporte como espectáculo, industria y sedante planetario de las masas desprovistas, ha explotado.
The lesson was learned and the idea of sport as an entertainment, as an industry and as the opium of the impoverished masses of the world, took off.
Sería impensable que hubiese partidos de fútbol sin espectadores: en algunos casos se han tomado medidas extremas que, es mi opinión, han dañado la naturaleza del deporte como espectáculo.
It would be unthinkable to have football games without spectators: in some cases extreme measures have been taken which, in my view, have damaged the spectator nature of the sport.