
"dentistry" in Spanish

"dentistry" in Spanish
Mercury has also been used successfully, and without major health implications, in dentistry in the form of amalgam fillings.
El mercurio se ha utilizado sin grandes repercusiones para la salud en odontología, en los empastes de amalgama.

Synonyms (English) for "dentistry":
Context examples for "dentistry" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The use of prophylactic antibiotics in implant dentistry is controversial.
El uso de antibióticos profilácticos en la colocación de implantes dentales es controvertido.
We should certainly improve the disposal of amalgam waste in dentistry departments, but we should not ban dentists from using mercury.
También considero que la legislación pertinente debe ser competencia de los Estados miembros.
We should certainly improve the disposal of amalgam waste in dentistry departments, but we should not ban dentists from using mercury.
Desde luego, debemos mejorar la eliminación de los residuos de amalgamas en las clínicas dentales, pero no debemos prohibir que los dentistas utilicen mercurio.
Preformed metal crowns are recommended by specialists in children's dentistry for the management of these teeth when they are affected by moderate to advanced tooth decay.
Los especialistas en odontopediatría recomiendan las coronas metálicas preformadas para el tratamiento de los dientes afectados con caries moderadas a avanzadas.