
"dentist" in Spanish

"dentist" in Spanish
I have an appointment with the dentist on Wednesday
el dentista me ha dado hora para el miércoles
he doesn't look after himself, he hasn't been to the dentist for years
hace años que no va al dentista
he didn't want to go to the dentist, we had to drag him there
no quería ir al dentista, hubo que llevarlo a la fuerza
This view is shared by the Slovak Chamber of Dentists, and that is why Idid not vote for the report to be approved.
La Cámara de Odontólogos de Eslovaquia comparte esta opinión y por eso no he votado a favor del informe.
System of automatic recognition of qualifications for the professions of doctor, nurse, dentist, veterinary surgeon, midwife, pharmacist and architect
Régimen de reconocimiento automático de cualificaciones para las profesiones de médico, enfermero, odontólogo, veterinario, matrona o asistente obstétrico, farmacéutico y arquitecto

Synonyms (English) for "dentist":
Context examples for "dentist" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Once back home, she submitted her dentist’s bills to her health insurer, which refused to reimburse her.
Al volver a su país presenta la factura a la seguridad social, que se niega a reembolsársela.
he doesn't look after himself, he hasn't been to the dentist for years
¡qué abandonado es! hace años que no va al dentista
he didn't want to go to the dentist, we had to drag him there
no quería ir al dentista, hubo que llevarlo a la fuerza
I have an appointment with the dentist on Wednesday
el dentista me ha dado hora para el miércoles
the dentist made an impression of my teeth
el dentista me sacó el molde de los dientes
I have to take my daughter to the dentist
tengo que llevar a la niña al dentista
the dentist found that I had three cavities
el dentista me encontró tres caries
don't be such a baby and call the dentist
no seas chiquilina, llama al dentista
I keep putting off going to the dentist
siempre estoy aplazando ir al dentista
I'll go with you to the dentist if you like
si quieres te acompaño al dentista
are you going to the dentist? I do sympathize
¿vas al dentista? te compadezco
I shall never go back to that dentist!
¡no vuelvo nunca más a ese dentista!
the dentist gave him an injection
el dentista le puso una inyección
I'm not going to that dentist again
no voy más a ese dentista
I've changed to a new dentist
he cambiado de dentista
my regular dentist
mi dentista