
"demérito" in English

"demérito" in English
Voy a tratar de juzgarlo por sus méritos y deméritos.
I shall try to judge it on its merits and demerits.
Como he dicho antes, en el PSE pensábamos que este era un informe sobre el transporte de material radiactivo y no tenía nada que ver con los méritos o deméritos de la industria nuclear.
We in the PSE felt, as I said earlier, that this was a report on the transportation of radioactive material and had nothing to do with the merits or demerits of the nuclear industry.

Context examples for "demérito" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
sin demérito para sus compañeros
with all due respect to his colleagues
Eso, sin duda, no va en demérito del Sr. Bildt sino que es una prueba clara de que no existe una suficiente solidez en nuestra política exterior.
This says nothing against Mr Bildt, but does seem to be clear proof that there is not sufficient solidarity in our foreign policy.
Nuestra opinión es que el juicio Laval no supone un demérito para el modelo sueco, sino que ciertamente plantea una serie de cuestiones que conciernen a determinada legislación sueca.
Our view is that the Laval judgment does not diminish the Swedish model, but that it certainly raises a number of questions concerning certain Swedish legislation.