
"Damascus" in Spanish

"Damascus" in Spanish
Damascus{proper noun}
Damascus{proper noun}
Europe therefore cautiously distanced itself from the Damascus Government.
Por consiguiente, Europa, por prudencia, se distanció del Gobierno de Damasco.
They are equipped via Damascus international airport.
Reciben el material a través del aeropuerto internacional de Damasco.
The Summit of the Arab League in Damascus has not delivered a solution either.
La Cumbre de la Liga Árabe en Damasco tampoco ha ofrecido ninguna solución.

Synonyms (English) for "Damascus":
Context examples for "Damascus" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Damascus, Teheran and their Lebanese satellites should stop their sinister game once and for all.
Sin embargo, el fondo de la cuestión es que todavía hay 15 000 militares sirios en el Líbano.
There is yet another way in which Damascus is brazenly flouting resolution 1559.
Sin duda el catalizador de esta incertidumbre política ha sido el asesinato del Primer Ministro libanés Rafik Hariri.
Together with embassies of the Member States in Damascus, however, we are making full use of diplomatic channels and we will continue to do so.
Estoy bastante convencido de que el Parlamento Europeo será un firme aliado nuestro en el apoyo a estos esfuerzos.
Damascus - Sunday, 6 May 2001
Domingo 6 de mayo de 2001
What I would say to both the Council and Commission is that we cannot, surely, under these circumstances, entertain the idea of an association agreement with Damascus.
En efecto, los contribuyentes de los Estados miembros de la UE tienen derecho a disponer de esta información.
A wave of arrests in May is the most prominent example of this worrying trend, affecting the intellectuals and defenders of human rights who signed the declarations of Damascus and Beirut.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, tanto usted como yo conocemos personalmente a algunos de esos representantes de la sociedad civil.