
"cónsul" in English

"cónsul" in English
Esta semana murió el cónsul danés, James Leander Nichols, en una prisión en Birmania.
This week Danish consul James Leander Nicols died in a prison in Burma.
El cadáver del cónsul danés no ha sido entregado a la familia.
The body of the Danish consul has not been released to his family.
Estamos profundamente conmovidos por la muerte del cónsul James Nichols, el cónsul de Dinamarca, Suiza y Suecia.
We are disturbed by the death of James Nicols, the Consul for Denmark, Switzerland and Sweden.

Context examples for "cónsul" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Para finalizar, deseamos expresar nuestra plena solidaridad a la familia del Cónsul James L.
And, lastly, let us express our full solidarity with James Nicols' family and our hope that they have not suffered in vain.
Para finalizar, deseamos expresar nuestra plena solidaridad a la familia del Cónsul James L.
And, lastly, let us express our full solidarity with James Nicols ' family and our hope that they have not suffered in vain.
El Consejo rechazó incluso manifestarse respecto a las sanciones propuestas por Dinamarca después del asesinato -el término es plenamente acertado- del Cónsul Honorario Sr.
The Council has even refused to make a statement on the sanctions proposed by Denmark after the murder - and that is what it was - of James Nicols.