
"cístico" in English

"cístico" in English
Enfermedades como el cáncer, alzeimer, diabetes y la fibrosis cística, entre otras, son ya tratados con estos productos.
Diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes and cystic fibrosis, amongst others, are already being treated with such products.
El Manchester Regional Genetics Centre ya ha recibido pedidos de pagos por derechos para cuando haga las pruebas del gen de la fibrosis cística.
Already the Manchester Regional Genetics Centre has received demands for royalty payments whenever it tests for the cystic fibrosis gene.
La introducción de un gen humano en una oveja programa al animal para que produzca en su leche una proteína humana aplicable al tratamiento del enfisema y la fibrosis cística.
The introduction of a human gene into a sheep programmes the animal to produce a human protein in her milk which has great potential for treating emphysema and cystic fibrosis.