
"criminalizar" in English

"criminalizar" in English
No debemos criminalizar a esas personas sino buscar la manera de tratar las raíces mismas del problema.
We should not criminalize these people but look at ways of dealing with the root causes of the problem.
Criminalizar a los indocumentados les viene de perlas a los partidos racistas y xenófobos.
Criminalizing people who do not have papers is grist to the mill of parties which are racist and xenophobic.
No soy partidario de las cuotas, ya que criminalizan la pesca, pero la idea de conservar los recursos de pesca me parece excelente.
I am not a supporter of quotas, because they criminalize fishermen, even if the aim of conserving fishery resources is a very good one.

Context examples for "criminalizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No podemos criminalizar la inmigración, sea por causas políticas o sea por causas económicas.
We cannot criminalise immigration, whether it is for economic or political reasons.
No se trata de criminalizar, sino más bien de responsabilizar, señor Presidente.
What we want is not to turn people into criminals, but to make them aware of their responsibilities.
No creo que sea útil criminalizar la glorificación del terrorismo o la apología del mismo.
I do not believe it is helpful to criminalise glorification of, or apologia for, terrorism.
En definitiva, su intención es criminalizar a los comunistas, sus actividades y sus ideales.
At bottom, its intention is the criminalisation of communists, their activities and their ideals.
No se trata de criminalizar o de desatar emociones sino que tenemos que ocuparnos del asunto.
I am not talking about criminalising it or reacting to it emotionally, but we must tackle this subject.
En lugar de ello, lo que se dice en el informe ayuda a desacreditar y criminalizar a los solicitantes de asilo.
Instead, the statements in the report help to discredit and criminalise asylum-seekers.
Criminalizar a los indocumentados les viene de perlas a los partidos racistas y xenófobos.
Criminalizing people who do not have papers is grist to the mill of parties which are racist and xenophobic.
No debemos criminalizar a esas personas sino buscar la manera de tratar las raíces mismas del problema.
We should not criminalize these people but look at ways of dealing with the root causes of the problem.
Por ejemplo, la cuestión de si se debe criminalizar la negación del Holocausto es controvertida en Europa.
For instance, the question of whether to criminalise Holocaust denial is a controversial one in Europe.
Sería un error criminalizar esos acuerdos.
It would be a mistake to criminalise such agreements.
Criminalizar a los toxicómanos tampoco funciona.
Making addiction a crime also does not work.
Efectivamente, debemos arrojar luz sobre tales delitos, pero no criminalizar lo que ha de ser objeto de un análisis exhaustivo.
Yes, we must bring truth to these crimes - but do not criminalise what needs to be thoroughly discussed.
Apartarse de este principio sienta un peligroso precedente que llevaría a criminalizar a grupos étnicos enteros.
To depart from this principle sets a dangerous precedent that will lead to the criminalisation of entire ethnic groups.
Este dispositivo pretende esencialmente criminalizar el movimiento social mediante el cuestionamiento de los derechos elementales.
Basically, a measure of this kind would tend to criminalise social activism by bringing fundamental rights into question.
He oído decir, y usted acaba de decirlo, señora Wortmann-Kool, que queremos criminalizar a los capitanes y a las tripulaciones.
I have heard it said, and you have just said so yourself, MrsWortmann-Kool, that we wanted to turn masters and crews into criminals.
Ahí tenemos al señor Comisario hablando acerca de criminalizar el uso de medidas imperiales para las exportaciones del Reino Unido a partir de 2009.
There sits the Commissioner talking about criminalising the use of imperial measurements on exports from the UK after 2009.
Relativo a los migrantes, el informe Naïr es limitado al hablar de gestión de flujo y al criminalizar a los inmigrantes.
With regard to migrants, the Naïr report takes a restrictive line, referring to the administration of migrant flows and seeking to criminalise immigrants.
Por este motivo, creo personalmente que este texto es equilibrado, que no pretende criminalizar a nadie, sino responsabilizar a todos.
I therefore find this criticism puzzling, as the directive complies with both the Marpol Convention and the Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Así mismo, pretenden criminalizar a los padres si alguien considera que sus hijos no han sido educados de forma suficientemente mojigata.
I also get the feeling that they want to criminalise parents who, they believe, do not raise their children in a sufficiently prudish manner.
En cambio, con esta propuesta modificada sobre los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual se intenta criminalizar el intercambio de información y cultura.
However, this amended proposal on intellectual property rights is intended to criminalise the exchange of information and culture.