
"crescendo" in English

"crescendo" in English
"crescendo" in Spanish
crescendo{noun} [mus.]
Y lo que sí está claro es que, si no se pone freno a este fenómeno, seguirá in crescendo como hasta ahora y, desde luego, no va a parar ni se va a atenuar.
And what is clear is that, if this phenomenon is not stopped, it will continue in crescendo as it has done so far, and of course it is not going to stop or improve.
That criticism which reaches a crescendo in our press with monotonous regularity centres on the system of allowances and expenses accruing to Members of this House.
Dichas críticas que con monótona periodicidad llegan a un punto culminante en nuestra prensa se centran en el sistema de subsidios y gastos correspondientes a los diputados a esta Asamblea.
crescendo{m} [mus.]
And what is clear is that, if this phenomenon is not stopped, it will continue in crescendo as it has done so far, and of course it is not going to stop or improve.
Y lo que sí está claro es que, si no se pone freno a este fenómeno, seguirá in crescendo como hasta ahora y, desde luego, no va a parar ni se va a atenuar.

Context examples for "crescendo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el desempleo va in crescendo
unemployment is rising steadily