
"convulsiva" in English

"convulsiva" in English
convulsiva{adjective feminine}
convulsiva{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "convulsiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Reducen los FAE la probabilidad de convulsiones adicionales en pacientes que tuvieron TVIC y al menos una crisis convulsiva?
Do AEDs reduce the likelihood of further seizures in patients who have had an ICVT and at least one seizure?
Los resultados para el tiempo transcurrido hasta la primera crisis convulsiva sugieren una ventaja clínica no significativa para la fenobarbitona.
Results for time to first seizure suggest a non-significant clinical advantage for phenobarbitone.
Los resultados fueron tiempo transcurrido hasta (a) el retiro del tratamiento asignado, (b) la remisión de 12 meses y (c) la primera crisis convulsiva posterior a la asignación al azar.
Outcomes were time to (a) withdrawal of allocated treatment, (b) 12-month remission and (c) first seizure post randomization.