
"contrariamente" in English

"contrariamente" in English

Context examples for "contrariamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Contrariamente a la impresión dada, los criterios de Copenhague no se aplican aquí.
Contrary to the impression given, the Copenhagen criteria do not apply here.
Su efecto es dificultar la tarea, contrariamente a lo que se proponen.
They have the effect of making the task more difficult, contrary to their objective.
De hecho, las importaciones sin duda aumentarán, contrariamente a lo que pretende la Comisión.
In fact, imports are certain to increase, contrary to what the Commission claims.
En efecto, contrariamente a lo que figura en sus listas de votación, la enmienda 12 no decae.
In fact, contrary to what it says in your voting lists, Amendment 12 does not fall.
En efecto, contrariamente a lo que figura en sus listas de votación, la enmienda 12 no decae.
In fact, contrary to what it says in your voting lists, Amendment12 does not fall.
Contrariamente a lo que ha dicho, usted no ha sido un colega difícil.
Contrary to what you stated, Sir, you were not a difficult colleague.
Contrariamente a lo que manifiesta el ponente, no existe tal cosa como el "derecho" a emigrar.
Contrary to what the rapporteur says, there is no such thing as the 'right' to emigrate.
Contrariamente a lo que algunos parece que creen, esto no crea divisiones entre los países.
It does not create, as some people here are thought to believe, rifts between the countries.
En las dos ocasiones se nos negó esta posibilidad, contrariamente a lo dispuesto en el Reglamento.
Twice this request has been refused, contrary to the Rules of Procedure.
Y, contrariamente a lo que alguien ha afirmado aquí hace poco, sí se sabe quién se lo ha otorgado.
And contrary to what somebody said a little while ago, we do know who granted that power.
Contrariamente a lo que podría creerse, no se trata de un simple asunto de susceptibilidad nacional.
Contrary to what might be thought, this is not a simple matter of national sensitivity.
En cualquier caso, contrariamente a lo que anunció el IPCC, no se están derritiendo en el Himalaya.
In any event, contrary to what the IPCC announced, they are not melting in the Himalayas.
Contrariamente a las apariencias, no es la Comisión su objetivo, sino la construcción europea.
Despite appearances, it is not the Commission that is being targeted, but European integration.
Contrariamente a mi buen colega, Bertel Haarder, me gustaría recomendar el modelo danés.
In complete contrast to my good fellow Member, Mr Haarder, I would gladly recommend the Danish model.
Contrariamente a lo que piensa la Sra. Thyssen, considero que el Sr. Verhofstadt nos indica un rumbo.
Unlike Mrs Thyssen, I believe that Mr Verhofstadt is showing us the way.
Señor Presidente, contrariamente a las apariencias, el expediente del chocolate no tiene nada de frívolo.
Mr President, contrary to appearances, the chocolate dossier is not at all frivolous.
Creo que la Comisión está haciendo una buena labor, contrariamente a lo que ha dicho el orador anterior.
I think the Commission is doing a good job, contrary to what the previous speaker said.
Las autoridades chinas, contrariamente a las birmanas, han tenido la sensatez de aceptar la ayuda extranjera.
The Chinese leadership, unlike the Myanmar regime, was wise to accept foreign aid.
Contrariamente a lo que han expresado el Sr. Hendrick y la Sra. Boogerd-Quaak, el paro no ha aumentado.
Contrary to what Mr Hendrick and Mrs Boogerd-Quaak said, unemployment has not increased.
Contrariamente, las infusiones de 24 horas causan menos toxicidad nerviosa.
The trials compared 3, 24 and 96 hour infusions and one trial examined different schedules (1 versus 3 day).