
"contagiosa" in English

"contagiosa" in English
contagiosa{adjective feminine}
La EEB no es una enfermedad contagiosa y no se propaga entre el ganado.
BSE is not a contagious disease and cannot be spread between cattle.
Si la violencia es a menudo contagiosa, también puede
If violence is often contagious, peace can be so too, and I am
La enfermedad meningocócica es una enfermedad contagiosa, bacteriana causada por la Neisseria meningitidis (N.
Meningococcal disease is a contagious, bacterial disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis (N.
Es extraordinariamente contagiosa y es mortal.
It is immensely infectious and deadly.
La enfermedad ha resultado ser más grave y contagiosa de lo que se pensaba.
The disease has proved more serious and more infectious than was thought.
La fiebre aftosa, que es una enfermedad animal altamente contagiosa, ha hecho rebosar el vaso.
Foot-and-mouth - because it is such a highly infectious disease - is the last straw.

Context examples for "contagiosa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La bronquiolitis es una infección aguda sumamente contagiosa de las vías respiratorias bajas.
This review is also limited by the use of clinical scores that may vary from one observer to the next.
su alegría era contagiosa
his cheerfulness infected everyone around him
enfermedad contagiosa
contagious disease
Está bien que ahora ya tengamos en cuenta la posibilidad de que esta enfermedad contagiosa asole Europa, pero parece que no vamos a ir más allá de esto.
It is a good thing that we are already taking on board the possibility that this infection could gain a significant foothold in Europe, but it looks as if this is as far as we are going.