
"conservancy" in Spanish

Yosemite Conservancy is the only philanthropic organization dedicated exclusively to the protection and preservation of Yosemite National Park and enhancement of the visitor experience.
Yosemite Conservancy es la única organización filantrópica dedicada en exclusivo a la protección y preservación del Parque Nacional Yosemite y a la mejora de la experiencia del visitante.

Context examples for "conservancy" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
“Providing for Yosemite ’s future is our passion,” said Mike Tollefson, Conservancy president.
“Nuestra pasión es ofrecerlo todo para el futuro de Yosemite”, dijo Mike Tollefson, presidente de Conservancy.
New report shows high levels of mercury in many wildlife species - The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Latest Scientific Research has Important Policy Implications.
Un nuevo informe muestra altos niveles de mercurio en muchas especies salvajes - The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Las últimas investigaciones científicas tienen implicaciones políticas importantes.