
"conectivo" in English

"conectivo" in English
conectivo{adjective masculine}
conectivo{adjective masculine}
tejido conectivo
connective tissue
Se considera que la TLBI afecta la función de las células del tejido conectivo (fibroblastos), acelera su reparación y actúa como un agente antiinflamatorio.
LLLT is believed to affect the function of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts), accelerate connective tissue repair and act as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Pero incluso la victoria de esos grupos que son competitivos es pírrica: las flagrantes diferencias y el declive cada vez mayor desestabilizan la sociedad, desgarrando su tejido conectivo.
Yet even the victory of those groups that are competitive is a Pyrrhic one: the glaring differences and ever greater decline destabilise society, tearing apart its connective tissue.

Context examples for "conectivo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
tejido conectivo
connective tissue
Por esta razón proponemos que se exprese en el Tratado un fundamento jurídico único y conectivo para la igualdad de los sexos, que incluya todos los ámbitos políticos.
For that reason we are proposing that the Treaty should include a uniform and cohesive legal base for equality between the sexes, which will include all policy sectors.