
"con curiosidad" in English

"con curiosidad" in English
curiously{adv.} (with curiosity)

Similar translations for "con curiosidad" in English
Context examples for "con curiosidad" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, he escuchado, con gran interés y curiosidad, lo que acaba de decir la señora Comisaria.
Madam President, I was extremely interested and curious to hear what Commissioner Schreyer has just said.
alimentó mi curiosidad con aquella historia
the story she told fed my curiosity
Aguardo con curiosidad la respuesta de la Comisión a una serie de observaciones planteadas por el señor Bart Staes en su excelente informe.
I await with curiosity the Commission's answer to a number of comments made by Mr Bart Staes in his excellent report.
Eso sólo lo entenderemos si sentimos curiosidad, si afrontamos las nuevas tecnologías y una nueva ciencia con curiosidad y no con miedo.
We will only understand it if we are curious enough to find out, if we approach new technology, new science with curiosity and not with fear.
En los últimos años la India ha tenido un crecimiento fantástico, con ciudadanos cada vez más cualificados y con una enorme curiosidad por la innovación.
In recent years India has achieved fantastic growth, with more and more highly qualified people and an enormous curiosity for innovation.