
"colapsado" in English

"colapsado" in English
gridlocked{adj.} (traffic, street)

Context examples for "colapsado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si no hacemos lo suficiente para ayudar a este sector, quedará colapsado.
If we cannot do things adequately to help that industry it will collapse.
En cambio, el Capítulo 4, " Acciones externas ", está colapsado.
However, Heading 4, " External Action " has become over-burdened.
En cambio, el Capítulo 4, " Acciones externas" , está colapsado.
However, Heading 4, "External Action" has become over-burdened.
Sin embargo, estos no les prestan dinero; y las acciones bancarias se han colapsado debido a los derivados.
The banks are not lending, however, and the bank shares have collapsed because of derivatives.
Las estrategias van y vienen, y la economía se ha colapsado.
Strategies came and went, and the economy collapsed.
El sistema educativo había colapsado por completo.
The education system had collapsed utterly.
Imaginen la respuesta de los mercados en las próximas horas, teniendo en cuenta que hace sólo unos minutos el euro se ha colapsado otra vez.
Imagine the response of the markets in the coming hours, considering that just minutes ago, the euro collapsed again.
el tráfico estaba colapsado
traffic was at a complete standstill
el tráfico estaba colapsado
the traffic was at a standstill
Les invitamos a hablar ante la Comisión y dijeron explícitamente que los mercados se habían colapsado con anterioridad a nuestra intervención.
We invited them to speak before the committee and they explicitly said that the markets had already collapsed before we took action.