
"codornices" in English

"codornices" in English
codornices{masculine plural}
codornices{masculine plural}
quail{noun} [gastro.]
codornices con uvas
quail cooked with grapes
Mis colegas checos me dicen que ha sido muy beneficioso para las codornices, ¡pero desastroso para los seres humanos que viven y trabajan allí!
My Czech colleagues tell me that this has been very good for the quails, but disastrous for the human beings who live and work there!
Entre los diversos asuntos a tratar estará el hecho de que Malta sigue permitiendo cazar tórtolas y codornices durante la primavera.
The various issues will be discussed, including that of the Maltese continuing to allow hunting of turtle doves and quails during the spring period.
rock partridge{noun} [gastro.]
quail{noun} [zool.]
En 2004, el Gobierno maltés decidió ejercer el derecho a aplicar una excepción para la caza de codorniz y tórtola durante su migración primaveral.
In 2004, the Maltese Government decided to exercise the right to apply a derogation for hunting quail and turtle doves during their spring migration.
Mis colegas checos me dicen que ha sido muy beneficioso para las codornices, ¡pero desastroso para los seres humanos que viven y trabajan allí!
My Czech colleagues tell me that this has been very good for the quails, but disastrous for the human beings who live and work there!
Entre los diversos asuntos a tratar estará el hecho de que Malta sigue permitiendo cazar tórtolas y codornices durante la primavera.
The various issues will be discussed, including that of the Maltese continuing to allow hunting of turtle doves and quails during the spring period.

Context examples for "codornices" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
codornices con uvas
quail cooked with grapes