
"chrism" in Spanish

"chrism" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "chrism":
Context examples for "chrism" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, as well as other categories of faithful who renew
la S. Misa crismal del Jueves Santo, otras categorías de fieles que
anointing with chrism received on the day of our Ordination, we shall
la unción crismal recibida el día de la Ordenación,
What unfathomable riches the Church offers us during the Sacred Triduum, and especially today, Holy Thursday, in the Chrism Mass!
¡Qué inmensa riqueza de contenidos nos ofrece la Iglesia durante el Triduo Santo, y especialmente hoy, Jueves Santo, en la liturgia crismal!
This Holy Thursday, dear priests throughout the world, as we recall the anointing with chrism received on the day of our Ordination, we shall proclaim with one voice and with renewed gratitude:
En este Jueves Santo, queridos sacerdotes del mundo entero, recordando la unción crismal recibida el día de la Ordenación, proclamaremos concordes con sentimiento de renovado reconocimiento: