
"chlorine" in Spanish

"chlorine" in Spanish
cloro{m} [chem.]
Chlorine and dioxins are released during incineration.
Durante la incineración se liberan cloro y dioxinas.
An important aspect in this connection is the high chlorine content.
Un aspecto destacado en este sentido es el elevado contenido en cloro.
The health and environmental problems associated with PVC are due to released chlorine, stabilisers and softeners.
Los problemas medioambientales y de salud del PVC se originan en la liberación de cloro, de estabilizantes y de plastificantes.

Synonyms (English) for "chlorine":
Context examples for "chlorine" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are talking about banning PVC, about products involving chlorine.
Hay incluso plástico biológico, hay otros materiales de plástico.
It is not PVC, but particularly vegetable, fruit and garden waste which is generating the chlorine compounds.
No es el PVC, sino especialmente los residuos de verduras, frutas y jardines lo que cuenta para los compuestos clorados.
Now the Commission is suggesting that we open the market to poultry that has been disinfected in a chlorine solution.
La Comisión propone ahora que abramos el mercado a las aves de corral desinfectadas mediante el uso de una solución clorada.
total residual chlorine
cloro residual total
It may well be the case that these harmful chlorine compounds are already present, but this is our own fault and we must make it our aim to alter the situation.
Es posible que tales compuestos químicos peligrosos ya se encuentren en ella, pero en ese caso es culpa nuestra y debemos esforzarnos para cambiar la situación.