
"chirriando" in English

El Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento está empezando a chirriar.
The Stability and Growth Pact is beginning to creak.
Pero vayan a Londres y observen cómo crujen y chirrían las viviendas, los sistemas sanitarios y los medios de transporte: no pueden absorber un aumento tan grande y repentino de la población.
But go to London and observe its creaking housing, transport and health systems: it cannot cope with such a large and sudden increase in population.
to chirp[chirped · chirped] {v.i.} (insect, cricket)
to grate[grated · grated] {v.i.} (make harsh noise)
Por tanto, el acuerdo bilateral chirría desagradablemente ante la perspectiva de un acuerdo con la Unión.
The bilateral agreement therefore grated unpleasantly with the prospect of an agreement with the Union.
to grind[ground · ground] {v.i.} (move with friction)
to scrape {v.i.} (make a noise)
to screech {v.i.} (brakes, tires)
to squeak {v.i.} (hinge, pen)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "chirriar":