
"centavos" in English

"centavos" in English
centavos{masculine plural}
"centavos" in Spanish
c{noun} (cents)
centavos{masculine plural}
Kozloduy produce electricidad a menos de dos centavos el kilovatio-hora.
Kozloduy produces electricity at less than two cents per kilowatt-hour.
no vale la pena discutir por unos pocos centavos
it's not worth arguing over a few cents
Ahora reciben menos de ocho centavos.
Now it is less than eight cents.
la libra logró subir medio centavo con respecto al dólar
the pound edged up half a cent against the dollar
al cierre la libra había bajado medio centavo
sterling closed half a cent down
Kozloduy produce electricidad a menos de dos centavos el kilovatio-hora.
Kozloduy produces electricity at less than two cents per kilowatt-hour.
Además, no todos los efectos de las molestias acústicas pueden expresarse en términos monetarios hasta el último centavo.
In addition, not all effects of noise nuisance can be expressed in money terms down to the last penny.
empezó sin un centavo
he started out without a penny to his name
un centavo por tus pensamientos
a penny for your thoughts
c{noun} (cents)

Context examples for "centavos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
no vale la pena discutir por unos pocos centavos
it's not worth arguing over a few cents
por menos de dos centavos lo dejaría todo
for two cents I'd give it all up
no estamos hablando de dos centavos
we're talking serious money here
se venden todos a 50 centavos
they sell at 50 cents straight
te perdono los 80 centavos
I'll let you off the 80 cents
veinticinco centavos de dólar
two bits
Esto significa para la corriente procedente del lignito que se encarecerá en 3,5 céntimos de euro y la corriente proveniente de la hulla en 3 centavos aproximadamente.
That means that electricity from brown coal will rise by about 3.5 eurocents and electricity from hard coal will rise by about 3 eurocents.