
"cattle market" in Spanish

"cattle market" in English

Context examples for "cattle market" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are deeply ashamed about such a state of affairs, which resembles a cattle market.
Estamos muy avergonzados por esta política de regateo.
If we just take a wide scattering of cattle off the market and out of the herds, it is not going to be an effective cull.
Si nos limitamos a apartar reses del mercado y de la cabaña de manera aleatoria, no será un sacrificio eficaz.
You can just imagine how they will again be haggling, the sort of cattle market it will turn into, and things can, in fact, only get worse.
Es fácil imaginar el regateo en que se van a ver inmersos de nuevo, la trata de ganado en que se va a convertir y lo cierto es que las cosas no pueden más que empeorar.
With the development of the world market in cattle and meat, however, agri-industry has given it an international epidemic dimension it did not have before.
Pero la agroindustria - con la evolución del mercado mundial del ganado y de la carne - le ha dado una dimensión epidémica internacional que antes no tenía.