
"catecismo" in English

"catecismo" in English
CATECISMO DE LA IGLESIA CATOLICA: El sacramento del matrimonio, nn.
CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: The sacrament of marriage, nos.
Iglesia católica, el Catecismo es confiado ante todo a nosotros, pastores
Catholic Church, the Catechism is entrusted above all to us, the Pastors of
Al mismo tiempo, este Catecismo nos es dado como punto de referencia
At the same time, this Catechism is given to us as a sure point of

Context examples for "catecismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
los cuales, por lo que toca a los contenidos, cuentan ya con el Catecismo de la
teaching programmes, whilst for content they already have in their hands the
alegrarnos juntos, si los hombres sienten la necesidad del nuevo Catecismo, si
We can therefore rejoice together when people feel the need for the new
lo que significa para nuestro ministerio sacerdotal el «Catecismo de la
of the Catholic Church means for our priestly ministry, we confess with
que ha parecido conveniente que la precediera el Catecismo de la Iglesia católica, el cual contiene una exposición
the Catholic Church, which contains a complete and systematic exposition of
El don que se ofrece, la misma persona, asume la categoría de don cuando es acogido -agrega el Catecismo-.
The gift that is offered, one's own person, takes on the quality of a gift when it is accepted.
don cuando es acogido -agrega el Catecismo-.
one's own person, takes on the quality of a gift when it is accepted.
el padre Smith le enseñó el catecismo
she was instructed in the catechism by Father Smith
(Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, n. 2205).
of the Catholic Church, n. 2205).
Sabemos también cómo el Catecismo
the Encyclical Veritatis Splendor, and by the Apostolic Exhortations, Familiaris Consortio and Reconciliatio et Paenitentia. We also
pastorales, o ser Catequista encargado de enseñar el catecismo en las escuelas, o preparar a los sacramentos, o serlo en un barrio de ciudad o en la zona rural.
be a religion teacher in a school, or to be charged with preparing people for the sacraments, or to be assigned to pastoral work in an inner-city area, etc.