
"cash-flow" in English

"cash-flow" in English
cash flow{noun}
Con Microsoft Financing, tendrá pagos estructurados que se ajustan mejor a su presupuesto, su cash flow, y su plan de despliegue.
With Microsoft Financing, you get structured payments that help you better match payments with your budget, cash flow, and deployment schedule.
cash flow{noun}
What is important for the allocation of loans is the matter of cash flow.
Lo que importa para la atribución de los préstamos es la cuestión del flujo de caja.
The cash flow and interest-bearing consequences of that are important and hitherto unknown.
El flujo de caja y los intereses que genera son importantes y, hasta la fecha, desconocidos.
However, some bureaucratic obstacles remain in place, for example, as far as cash flow is concerned.
No obstante, persisten algunos obstáculos burocráticos, por ejemplo, en lo relativo al flujo de caja.
With Microsoft Financing, you get structured payments that help you better match payments with your budget, cash flow, and deployment schedule.
Con Microsoft Financing, tendrá pagos estructurados que se ajustan mejor a su presupuesto, su cash flow, y su plan de despliegue.
Cash flow{noun}
cash flow forecast
previsión de flujo de efectivo
expected cash flow
flujo de efectivo esperado
free cash flow
flujo de efectivo libre

Context examples for "cash-flow" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Con Microsoft Financing, tendrá pagos estructurados que se ajustan mejor a su presupuesto, su cash flow, y su plan de despliegue.
We wanted a predictable pricing model that delivered value for money.
…puede aumentar el cash flow con Microsoft Financing?
Flexible payment options allow customers to:
…puede aumentar el cash flow con Microsoft Financing?
Open License
No será necesario que yo lo cuente qué significará todo esto en términos de cash flow, seguridad de las cajeras y tiendas, gastos bancarios, etc.
I hardly need to tell you what kind of an impact that will have on cash flows, the security of check-out operators and shops, bank charges, etc.