
"carriageway" in Spanish

"carriageway" in Spanish

Context examples for "carriageway" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the section between Montoro and Villa del Río is to be converted into a dual carriageway
se desdoblará el tramo entre Montoro y Villa del Río
funds to convert this stretch of road into a dual carriageway
fondos para el desdoblamiento de este tramo
These lorries sometimes hog the carriageway for several kilometres and cause many accidents and traffic-jams.
Estos camiones acaparan a veces la carretera durante varios kilómetros y provocan muchos accidentes y retenciones.
Two-thirds of those who lose their lives in road accidents are victims of accidents on single carriageway roads outside built up areas and in the countryside.
Dos terceras partes de las personas que pierden la vida en accidentes de tráfico circulaban por carreteras de doble sentido situadas fuera de los núcleos de población o en zonas rurales.