
"Carlo" in English

"Carlo" in English
Carlo{proper noun}
"Carlo" in Spanish
Carlo{proper noun}
Carlo{proper noun}
cónyuges, a semejanza de Cristo, observa Carlo Rocchetta, "es un
spouses, like Christ, as Carlo Rocchetta observes, "is an act which is
Carlo Trojan por su labor.
The Commission thanked Mr Carlo Trojan sincerely for his activities.
Carlo Fumarola compartió con nosotros su conocimiento y fotografías de Tokio.
Carlo Fumarola shared with us his knowledge and photographs of Tokyo.
Carlo{proper noun}
spouses, like Christ, as Carlo Rocchetta observes, "is an act which is
cónyuges, a semejanza de Cristo, observa Carlo Rocchetta, "es un
The Commission thanked Mr Carlo Trojan sincerely for his activities.
Carlo Trojan por su labor.
Carlo Fumarola shared with us his knowledge and photographs of Tokyo.
Carlo Fumarola compartió con nosotros su conocimiento y fotografías de Tokio.

Context examples for "Carlo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Carlo Serri, Ministro Provincial de los Abruzos (Italia); Vice Presidente, Fr.
Carlos Serri, Provincial Minister of Abruzzo (Italy) and Vice President: Br.
Pero al llegar al Parlamento, me miré al espejo y que vi que era Carlo Fatuzzo.
When I got to Parliament, however, I looked in the mirror and saw that I was Mr Fatuzzo.
En 1996, dirigió tres actos por los que obtuvo el premio Clown d'Or en el Festival de Monte Carlo.
He was its executive director for ten years.
Obviamente tenía pensado hacer esto y lo haré, pero también quería reunirme con Carlo Casini y otras personas, para mostrarles la lista a ellos primero.
I do, of course, intend to do this, and I will do so, but I also wanted to meet Mr Casini and several others, to show them the list first.
Confío en que vote, junto con nosotros, a favor del informe de Carlo Fatuzzo.
And I also hope that the PPE-DE will not play any games with this open method of co-ordination and will join us in voting in favour of Mr Fatuzzo's report.
Sin embargo, mi colega Carlo Secchi también se refiere en su excelente informe a un nivel "beneficioso» de competencia que es necesario aceptar, con el fin de garantizar la competitividad.
But, at the same time, Mr Secchi in his excellent report speaks of a "beneficial' degree of competition which we have to accept in order to guarantee competitiveness.
Carlo Casini ha sido muy inteligente, como suele ser en estos casos, señalando que está muy claro que hay tres enmiendas que no tienen nada que ver con Lisboa.
Mr Casini has been very wise, as he often is on these matters, in that there are amendments which have absolutely nothing to do with Lisbon, and it is very clear they have nothing to do with Lisbon.
Sin embargo, mi colega Carlo Secchi también se refiere en su excelente informe a un nivel " beneficioso» de competencia que es necesario aceptar, con el fin de garantizar la competitividad.
But, at the same time, Mr Secchi in his excellent report speaks of a " beneficial ' degree of competition which we have to accept in order to guarantee competitiveness.