
"Carl" in English

"Carl" in English
Carl{proper noun}
"Carl" in Spanish
Carl{proper noun}
Carl{proper noun}
¿Con qué está comparando Carl Schlyter esta Presidencia?
With what is Carl Schlyter comparing this Presidency?
Para concluir quisiera dar las gracias a mi amigo Carl Schlyter por haberme devuelto la manzana de hace un año.
Lastly, I should like to thank my friend Carl Schlyter for having returned the apple from a year ago.
Incluso Carl Bildt critica ahora en su último libro a la UE por su táctica segregacionista en la ex Yugoslavia.
Even Carl Bildt has criticized the EU in his new book because of divisive tactics in the former Yugoslavia.
Carl{proper noun}
With what is Carl Schlyter comparing this Presidency?
¿Con qué está comparando Carl Schlyter esta Presidencia?
Lastly, I should like to thank my friend Carl Schlyter for having returned the apple from a year ago.
Para concluir quisiera dar las gracias a mi amigo Carl Schlyter por haberme devuelto la manzana de hace un año.
Even Carl Bildt has criticized the EU in his new book because of divisive tactics in the former Yugoslavia.
Incluso Carl Bildt critica ahora en su último libro a la UE por su táctica segregacionista en la ex Yugoslavia.

Context examples for "Carl" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¿Dispone usted, señor Comisario, de datos actuales que demuestren que la nanotecnología plantearía tal riesgo, algo que parece que Carl Schlyter afirma que es un hecho?
Do you have any data now that shows nanotechnology would pose such a risk, which Mr Schlyter seems to say is already a fact?