
"butano" in English

"butano" in English
Bután{proper noun}
Se trata de gases inflamables: el butano, el isobutano y el propano.
These are inflammable gases - butane, isobutane and propane.
la empresa expendedora del gas butano
the company which sells butane gas
Sin embargo, el texto que se ha aprobado hoy no se corresponde con algunas características específicas de los mercados nacionales, como el uso de gas butano y propano.
However, the text adopted today does not correspond with certain specific features of national markets, such as the use of butane and propane gas.
la empresa expendedora del gas butano
the company which sells butane gas
Calor Gas{noun} [TM] [Brit.]
Bután{proper noun}
Bhutan{pr.n.} [geogr.]
Bután y Nepal no son vecinos, pero afortunadamente se encuentran próximos.
Bhutan and Nepal are not neighbours, but they are close to each other in spirit.
Gestión forestal en Bután Capacitar a las comunidades rurales para gestionar los bosques en el Himalaya de Bután.
Forests Management in Bhutan Empowering rural communities to manage forests in the Himalaya of Bhutan
Nepal reprocha a Bután su falta de voluntad de alcanzar soluciones eficaces.
Nepal accuses Bhutan of not being ready to adopt effective solutions.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "butano":
Context examples for "butano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la empresa expendedora del gas butano
the company which sells butane gas