
"bracelets" in Spanish

"bracelets" in Spanish
But why have not bracelets of gold been put upon him, or why have there not come with him angels as companions?
“Si no --¿por qué no le han sido impuestos brazaletes de oro?
Upon them will be garments of fine green silk and gold brocade, and they shall be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord will give them a drink pure and holy.
Llevarán vestiduras verdes de seda y brocado; y serán adornados con brazaletes de plata.
pulseras{f pl}
I never wear bracelets, they get in the way when I'm working
nunca uso pulseras, me molestan para trabajar
In Poland, I have distributed badges and bracelets which encourage support of transplantation medicine.
En Polonia he distribuido chapas y pulseras que animan a apoyar la medicina de los trasplantes.
she has a huge collection of bracelets
tiene una colección de pulseras
the fastener on the bracelet is very secure
el cierre de la pulsera es muy seguro
he had the bracelet engraved with her name
hizo grabar su nombre en la pulsera
this bracelet is gold-plated
esta pulsera tiene un baño de oro
a gold bracelet set with rubies
un brazalete de oro con incrustaciones de rubíes
identification bracelet
brazalete de identificación
But why have not bracelets of gold been put upon him, or why have there not come with him angels as companions?
“Si no --¿por qué no le han sido impuestos brazaletes de oro?

Synonyms (English) for "bracelet":
Context examples for "bracelets" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I never wear bracelets, they get in the way when I'm working
nunca uso pulseras, me molestan para trabajar
she has a huge collection of bracelets
tiene una colección de pulseras
she adorned her arms with bracelets
se adornó los brazos con pulseras
Gardens of Eternity, they shall enter; they shall be made to wear therein bracelets of gold and pearls, and their dress therein shall be silk.
y dirán: “¡La alabanza es debida por entero a Dios, que ha apartado de nosotros todo pesar: pues, ciertamente, nuestro Sustentador es en verdad indulgente, sumamente agradecido –
This experience taught us that the manufacturing of these bracelets during protohistory was a mass production process and that the manufacturing shops did master the control of fire.
Les tombes ont une longueur de 175 cm, une profondeur de 40 cm et elles sont spares par un espace de 25 cm. Ce sont donc 15 tombes qui ont t dcouvertes dans la spulture.