
"bordeaux" in English

"bordeaux" in English
"bordeaux" in Spanish
Burdeos{m} [geogr.]
From its creation to now, Cirque du Soleil has visited Bordeaux
Desde su creación hasta el presente, el Cirque du Soleil ha visitado Burdeos
Cirque du Soleil isn’t currently presenting shows in your area: Bordeaux.
El Cirque du Soleil no está presentando espectáculos en su área actualmente: Burdeos.
We met in Bordeaux, on the margins of an education conference held by the French Presidency.
Nos reunimos en Burdeos, en el marco de una conferencia sobre educación celebrada por la Presidencia francesa.

Synonyms (English) for "Bordeaux":
Context examples for "bordeaux" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nunca pondrán la palabra «Bordeaux» en una botella de vino o en un recipiente que provenga de un tercer país.
They do not put the word 'Bordeaux' on a bottle of wine or a can of wine that has come from a third country.
Nunca pondrán la palabra« Bordeaux» en una botella de vino o en un recipiente que provenga de un tercer país.
They do not put the word 'Bordeaux ' on a bottle of wine or a can of wine that has come from a third country.
Ello significa que Coca Cola podría comprar la marca Bordeaux para luego vender los vinos más baratos del mundo con este nombre.
That would mean that Coca-Cola could buy the Bordeaux name and then resell the cheapest wines in the world under that name.