
"bedtime" in Spanish


Context examples for "bedtime" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it's way past your bedtime
hace rato que deberías estar durmiendo
it's past your bedtime
ya deberías estar acostado
his bedtime reading
su libro de cabecera
Those using desmopressin (or their parents) should be warned that over-drinking before bedtime should be avoided as this may lead to serious, but rare, adverse effects.
Evaluar los efectos de la desmopresina sobre la enuresis nocturna en niños y comparar la desmopresina con otras intervenciones.
It may also be the case that a cup of cocoa and a bedtime story are essential for everyone but this is not something which should be done at EU level.
También es posible que una taza de cacao y un poco de lectura en la cama sean esenciales para todos, pero no es algo que deba resolverse en el plano de la UE.
I hope that those honourable Members who have delayed bedtime to listen to these remarks will find them helpful and I look forward to listening to the debate.
Espero que aquellos diputados que irán a la cama más tarde por escuchar estas observaciones las consideren útiles, y estoy deseando escuchar el debate.
Mr President, after my bedtime walk in the vicinity of the hotel - which I have told you about - I went to bed, and I dreamed about the Staes report.
Señor Presidente, después de dar mi paseo antes de acostarme por los alrededores del hotel, del que ya le he hablado, me fui a la cama y soñé con el informe Staes.