
"bautista" in English

"bautista" in English
Nazaret y más tarde ante sus discípulos y antes los enviados por Juan Bautista.
presence of His disciples and of John the Baptist's messengers.
Bautista, en la misma casa su padre Zacarías,
Afterwards, in the same house, when John the Baptist is born,
El 24 de junio es la festividad de San Juan Bautista.
The twenty-fourth day of June is the Feast of St John the Baptist.
En cierto sentido -y espero que esto no suene a blasfemia- es el Juan Bautista de este acuerdo.
He is in a sense - if this is not regarded as blasphemous - the John the Baptist for this agreement.
Nazaret y más tarde ante sus discípulos y antes los enviados por Juan Bautista.
presence of His disciples and of John the Baptist's messengers.
Bautista, en la misma casa su padre Zacarías,
Afterwards, in the same house, when John the Baptist is born,

Context examples for "bautista" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Bautista Ojeda (H-0696/01):
Question No 5 by , which has been taken over by Mr Bautista Ojeda (H-0696/01):
Bautista Ojeda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE, al Consejo (B5-0214/2000);
Bautista Ojeda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, to the Council (B5-0214/2000);
Bautista Ojeda, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE, a la Comisión (B5-0215/2000).
Bautista Ojeda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, to the Commission (B5-0215/2000).
Bautista Barandalla, un preso navarro, sufre una enfermedad incurable.
Bautista Barandalla, a Navarrian prisoner, suffers from an incurable illness.
Bautista Ojeda sobre frutos de cáscara y algarrobas.
We are critical of Mr Bautista Ojeda's report on certain nuts and locust beans.
- Pregunta n 48 formulada por Carlos Bautista Ojeda (H-0781/02):
Question No 48 by Carlos Bautista Ojeda (H-0781/02):
Pregunta nº 62 formulada por Carlos Bautista Ojeda (H-0471/02):
Question No 62 by Carlos Bautista Ojeda (H-0471/02):
Bautista Ojeda aludía a ello hace un momento.
Mr Bautista Ojeda was speaking about that just a moment ago.
Muchas gracias, señor Bautista Ojeda.
Thank you very much, Mr Bautista Ojeda.
(B5-0144/2002) de los diputados Bautista Ojeda, Mayol i Raynal y Auroi, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE, sobre las clementinas;
(B5-0144/2002) by Mr Bautista Ojeda, Mr Mayol i Raynal and Mrs Auroi, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on clementines;
por Juan el Bautista como el Cordero de Dios (cf.
as the Lamb of God (cf.
Muchas gracias, señor Bautista Ojeda.
Thank you, Mr Bautista Ojeda.
Bautista Ojeda, en varias ocasiones ha tenido iniciativas al respecto.
With regard to the design of barriers, I would like to say that Mr Bautista Ojeda has produced initiatives on several occasions.
Carlos Bautista Ojeda, por su gran trabajo.
Madam President, Commissioner, I should first like to warmly congratulate Mr Carlos Bautista Ojeda, the rapporteur, on his excellent work.
Bautista Ojeda que las competencias de la Agencia de seguridad marítima y las del Comité de reglamentación son competencias distintas.
In reply to Mr Bautista Ojeda, I wish to say that the powers of the Maritime Safety Agency and those of the Regulatory Committee are quite distinct.
Bautista Ojeda y otros, en nombre del Grupo de los Verdes/Alianza Libre Europea, sobre los incidentes xenófobos en El Ejido (España).
B5-0175/2000 by Mr Bautista Ojeda and others, on behalf of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, on xenophobia-related incidents in El Ejido (Spain).
Señor Bautista Ojeda, quisiera subrayar que el jueves próximo, en el debate sobre cuestioines urgentes, habrá un debate sobre la seguridad de los submarinos nucleares.
Mr Bautista Ojeda, I should like to point out that next Thursday, in the topical and urgent debate, the safety of nuclear submarines will be discussed.
En relación con lo que los Verdes mencionaron sobre las manchas negras, señor Bautista, creo que es importante que nos mantengamos atentos sobre los acontecimientos.
Turning now, Mr Bautista, to the issue of black spots, which was raised by the Greens, I believe that it is important for us to keep an eye on what happens.
Bautista el excelente informe que ha realizado y sabe él, además, que cuenta con el apoyo unánime de mi Grupo político.
Madam President, I should first like to thank Mr Bautista Ojeda for his excellent report. I am sure he knows he can rely on total support from my group.
Distinguida Presidenta, Señorías, quisiera felicitar al señor Bautista Ojeda por su informe y a todos ustedes por el esfuerzo y tiempo que han dedicado a la elaboración de las 16 enmiendas.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, may I start by thanking you for your report, Mr Bautista Ojeda, and for all the time and trouble which you have taken in working out the 16 proposed amendments.