
"automation" in Spanish

"automation" in Spanish
Take advantage of console’s comprehensive automation to keep sessions flowing.
Aprovecha la automatización total de la consola para dar fluidez a tus sesiones.
nature: the widespread introduction of automation into many spheres of
introducción generalizada de la automatización en muchos campos de la
Affordable news automation-assist with accurate device playback
Asequible automatización asistida de noticias con reproducción precisa de dispositivos

Synonyms (English) for "automation":
Context examples for "automation" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
· FastBreak® Automation: see how you can manage and control your broadcast transmission
· FastBreak® Automation: see how you can manage and control your broadcast transmission
For Van Roey Automation, using network cameras has had a dual effect.
En Van Roey Automation, el uso de cámaras de red ha tenido un doble efecto.
Computers and automation are changing the way we live and work.
La informática y la robotización revolucionan nuestros modos de vida y trabajo.
Remote visual verification is often beneficial and required in complex industrial automation
La verificación visual remota normalmente es ventajosa y necesaria en sistemas complejos de
FastBreak® 800 automation manages and controls content in the broadcast master control room.
FastBreak® 800 Automation gestiona y controla contenido en la sala de control principal de broadcast.
Van Roey Automation was established in 1993 by Patrick Van Roey.
Van Roey Automation fue fundada en 1993 por Patrick Van Roey.
FastBreak®2000 automation manages and controls content in the broadcast master control room.
FastBreak®2000 Automation gestiona y controla contenido en la sala de control principal de broadcast.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 All-Up datasheet Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Marketing Automation datasheet
Benefíciese de la comodidad de la nube con Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online con una solución que ofrece:
It works seamlessly with the built-in Server and Automation Connect services in their latest systems.
Funciona a la perfección con los servicios integrados Server Connect y Automation Connect de los sistemas más recientes.
Otherwise our society will wither away because of automation designed to avoid taxation.
En caso contrario, nuestra sociedad se diluirá ante este tipo de actividad automatizada que hace caso omiso de sus obligaciones fiscales.
Chapter 9: Advanced Automation (part 1)
Media Composer 5 - Removing Material from your Sequence
Chapter 9: Advanced Automation (part 1)
Media Composer 5 - Mixing Down Video and Audio
Chapter 9: Advanced Automation (part 1)
Media Composer 5 - Linking to Media using AMA
And this is a difficult budget because of the large investments in property, furnishings and office automation equipment.
Y este es un presupuesto difícil por las grandes inversiones en inmuebles, en mobiliario y en material de ofimática.
Automation Archive Manager Queue Status
Estado de Cola de Automation Archive Manager
the much-heralded age of office automation
la tan anunciada era de la ofimática
Chapter 10: Advanced Automation (part 2)
Media Composer 5 - Keyframing Effects
Chapter 8: Automation Basics
Media Composer 5 - Mixing Down Video and Audio
Chapter 10: Advanced Automation (part 2)
Media Composer 5 - Importing Media
Chapter 8: Automation Basics
Media Composer 5 - Linking to Media using AMA