
"Au" in English

"Au" in English
"Au" in Spanish
Au[chem.] [abbr.]
Por tanto, es necesario que seamos más rigurosos en relación con el sistema "au pair".
We must therefore exercise greater stringency in connection with the au pair scheme.
Por su parte, el señor Sarkozy defiende que "au contraire, se pensará en una visión global".
Yet Mr Sarkozy in effect says, 'au contraire - it will think big'.
Además hay algunos enlaces sobre colocaciones au pair.
In addition, there are some links on au pairing.
Au{masculine} [abbreviation]
Au{noun} [chem.] [abbr.] (Gold)
Por tanto, es necesario que seamos más rigurosos en relación con el sistema "au pair".
We must therefore exercise greater stringency in connection with the au pair scheme.
Por su parte, el señor Sarkozy defiende que "au contraire, se pensará en una visión global".
Yet Mr Sarkozy in effect says, 'au contraire - it will think big'.
Además hay algunos enlaces sobre colocaciones au pair.
In addition, there are some links on au pairing.
Au[chem.] [abbr.] (oro)
We must therefore exercise greater stringency in connection with the au pair scheme.
Por tanto, es necesario que seamos más rigurosos en relación con el sistema "au pair".
Yet Mr Sarkozy in effect says, 'au contraire - it will think big'.
Por su parte, el señor Sarkozy defiende que "au contraire, se pensará en una visión global".
In addition, there are some links on au pairing.
Además hay algunos enlaces sobre colocaciones au pair.
Au{noun} [abbreviation]
Au{m} [chem.] [abbr.] (Oro)
We must therefore exercise greater stringency in connection with the au pair scheme.
Por tanto, es necesario que seamos más rigurosos en relación con el sistema "au pair".
Yet Mr Sarkozy in effect says, 'au contraire - it will think big'.
Por su parte, el señor Sarkozy defiende que "au contraire, se pensará en una visión global".
In addition, there are some links on au pairing.
Además hay algunos enlaces sobre colocaciones au pair.

Synonyms (English) for "Au":
Context examples for "Au" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Port-Au-Prince (Haití) La fundacion de Clinton Bush por Haití acaban de conceder 816.472
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund awards $800,000 to Architecture for Humanity.
La delegación del Mouvement Démocrate au Parlement luchará por ello.
The delegation of the Democratic Movement to Parliament will be fighting in favour of this.
Il a également imaginé la scénographie de Peter Grimes au Metropolitan Opera.
He has also designed Peter Grimes at the Metropolitan Opera.
Policies to rehabilitate non-regulatory areas in Morocco and mobilizing people.
Au dtriment des comptes publics et de la conqute de visiteurs jeunes ou dfavoriss.
10 members are appointed by the Governor-in-Council upon the recommendation of the Minister for Planning.
La segunda cuestión de principios es si en este Parlamento tomamos el viernes «au sérieux» o no.
A second point of principle is that either we take Fridays seriously in Parliament or we do not.
La segunda cuestión de principios es si en este Parlamento tomamos el viernes« au sérieux» o no.
A second point of principle is that either we take Fridays seriously in Parliament or we do not.
Colloque international "La maquette, un outil au service du projet architectural" 20 may - 21 may 2011.
International Symposium "The model, a tool in the architectural project" 20 may - 21 may 2011.
La dcision ministrielle, valable six ans, est parue officiellement le 29 mars 2011 et doit tre publie au Bulletin officiel.
If the program demonstrates success, Guyana will receive an additional $250 million through 2015.
Tous les États parties à la Convention se réunissent tous les deux ans en session ordinaire au Siège de l'UNESCO.
All States Parties to the Convention meet every two years in an ordinary session at the UNESCO Headquarters.
Au Québec comme à l’étranger, Mérédith Caron a imprimé sa marque au théâtre, au cinéma, à l'opéra et au cirque.
Mérédith Caron has made her mark in theatre, cinema, opera and circus, not just in Quebec but the world over.
Quand est que cet spectacle viens au Brèsil?
Jorge gvl, Friday, October 28, 2011 10:20 PM.
Acquisition des ressources animales, alimentation carnée et distinction sociale en Anjou de la fin du Xe au début du XIIe siècle.
Acquisition of animal resources, meat diet and social distinction in Anjou from late 10th to early 12th century.
La théorie de la viabilité au service de la modélisation mathématique du développement durable.
Since then, there are hundreds of definitions making the concept so vague that the most diverse political and economic measures claim to be sustainable.
.: 73 Aménagements urbains et conservation des sites historiques au Togo: le cadre législatif et sa mise en œuvre TUBLU Komi Nkegbe Foga
Ref.: 309 Construction and management of green space in existing and new urban areas of Hanoi Do HAU (Viet Nam)
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Sa lecture doit se faire conjointement à celle de manuels sur la gestion des biens naturels et culturels et la préparation des propositions d’inscription au patrimoine mondial.
This book presents ideas that should be considered and issues that should be addressed.
En una Europa que permita la movilidad de los pacientes, se necesitará una mayor certidumbre jurídica, transparencia y una calidad mayor.
In a Europe in which patients are mobile, there will be a need for more legal certainty, transparency and even greater quality.
En este caso, los 27 Estados miembros de la UE + Islandia, Liechtenstein y Noruega Retour au texte en cours.
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Sa lecture doit se faire conjointement à celle de manuels sur la gestion des biens naturels et culturels et la préparation des propositions d’inscription au patrimoine mondial.
The Netherlands Funds-in-Trust provided support for its publication.